I am so hyped up right now I may just start running sans winter coat (it really could qualify as a tent) down the slippery winter streets of Montréal. Then again I may not because last time this biddie tried that her lungs just about cracked from shock of the icy air. I was also wearing leather boots, very cute bien sûr, but most likely not meant for scampering up hills.

Anyways, we are in the midst of exams here. I am obviously not studying, but it's all relative, you know? Well, actually I myself do not know what that expression really means but it works excellently when you have nothing else to write. Alas, I am not studying because it's all relative and also because I recently went to an awesome event! I went to a Global Impact benefit concert to support Educare centers in South Africa, specifically one located in Cape Town called Sikhula Sonke. Their mission at Sikhula Sonke is to take young children off the streets and into a school daycare center to educate them, feed them, entertain them and just love them! A video was played and it was really amazing to see the women who work there day to day with the kids, so passionate and determined about protecting those little ones.
The delightful little event itself was held at the church I attend called Riversedge, and artists from around the community and greater Montréal played these funky, soulful beats and made littlebiddie want to get up and dance soo bad! There was an African food/goodies/treats section, (I personally made sure that this area was well tended), a troupe of African drummers, artists lingering, playing, and singing, and people from the community chilling, enjoying and talking (in my case, munching on the delish biddie snacks). It was an awesome cause and an awesome funky night. I felt quite the soul diva.
Also, I recently went to a super fun Christmas partayy where we had to get all dressed up! The night was pretty hil-ARIOUS as my mama would say, not in the least because there was a 20 year old college guy made to read Christmas stories with a biddie red elf hat atop his head. I do believe there was a little bell on top of the hat, as well. But what I really hope to do is bring some joy into your life by showing you a picture of my dessert. Don't ask me what it was, I have no idea. What I do know, however, is that it was déliceux. Very, déliceux.
La fête de Noël:
This is biddie-bling (but on biddie's friend)
These are what biddie would be if she were a pair of shoes
and la pièce de résistance...

And of course le biddie benefit concert. Vraiment, truly, an awesome cause and event.

Have a biddielicious week. Bonne semaine!
p.s.- sorry the pictures are all crazy and placed on the page oddly..I don't know how to fix it!!