La ville de la lumière
...or something like that.

Paris was amazing :) Seriesusement, mes amis, you should try to get your lil selves there si possible, if possible. I went to Paris with a group of students and staff from mon université in Montreal. It was one of the craziest, most challenging, beautiful, SMELLY!, delicious, bond-making, habit-breaking trips of this littlebiddie's life. Oh how I wish I could TAKE YOU. Ah mes amis, mes amis goodness gracious how many times I had to pinch myself as I walked out of my Parisian apartment door, rode the metro (like a pro obviously), ate my lil pain au chocolat (chocolate croissant! UHM OUI.), wore a lil scarf hehe, and attempted to speak la langue française, the utterly delish little language of French. However... despite how quite romantic and lovely it sounds, my month long frolic around the land of baguettes and berets, was in fact, a very difficult trip! And to be completely bare-boned honest with you, I left the City of Lights with the sinking feeling that some of the people in the City of Lights are, well, not so heureux, happy. But then again, I can feel the same thing in New York. Goodness gracious, I love people and I love places filled with vibrant life, vivid culture, delectable food, mind-blowing art, but sometimes I think the world is. so. focused. on the complete wrong things. What the heck man! When I'm 80 all I will want to know is that I've helped people, ya knowwwww? I just want people to feel loved and happy, and not feel lost a midst crowds, and noise, and subways, and exhaust, and poverty, and pee on the streets, and garbage underneath old benches and...everything else.
Paris gave me persepctive. Beautiful, loving, grace-filled perspective. I love my Parisian friends! And Paris is indeed beautiful, just as they say. (and the bread ohlalalalala) But! I hope to see, not just in Paris, but everywhere, more sourires, more smiles. More truly satisfied, hope-filled people.
I know it is hard for people to take me seriously and all, on account of my resemblance to a curious lil gamin, kid. But all petitee jokes aside, there is reeeeeal hope. This is where this littlebiddie found it a couple of years ago...
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." John 3:16-17
...this does not mean, however, that there were not many little biddie adventures in la ville de la lumière though ;) Adventures with God are just that much more fun hehehehehe so much to tell!
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