18 January 2010

Je suis desolée!!!

Allors, I am très très sorry for being absent! I forgot that in addition to living in Montréal, I also go to school here. This certain little school happens to be particularly challenging at the moment! I did my first official school news article which despite much time spent researching, interviewing and writing, the article was given quite a trim and turned out to be the epitome of biddie-ness in the actual paper haha. I don't mind though. In fact, through writing the article, I met some awesome people! Yes, des personnes qui sont très intéressants, some people who are very interesting indeed. The article was about The Tony Blair Faith Foundation and their activity on campus and around Montréal. Check out the site!

But! More interesting things. Went scaddadling around town this morning after church at Riversedge and came upon the cutest little street you ever did see. I do think the wind was being a bit sassy blowing things around everywhere, but I compensated by skipping every other step to keep up the heart rate and ward of numbness in the pinky toes.

We poked in and out of little stores on sleepy Greene Avenue in the Westmount neighborhood of Montréal. It was very quiet and almost quaint, tucked safely away from the craziness of downtown. The little neighborhood has a bit of history, too! When Montréal used to be very divided by its two languages, French and English, Westmount became the hub for Québec anglophones.. hence the very English street name. In the opposite direction, however, the Plateau neighborhood of Montréal was land of the French! And it still is super french, mon ami, so si vous voudrais y aller, if you would like to go there, bring your french dictionnaire and a big big smile, un sourire :)

I will have you know, however, that in order to get these lovely little snapshots I had to endure many a grouchie little stare. The sales girl in one of the boutiques nearly jumped out of her winter boots when I took out my camera and asked if I could take pictures. Tahaha it did make me laugh.

But anyways here are some pictures from Greene Avenue and elsewhere around town! Also, some pics from the first big, beautiful, frosty- the- snowman type of snowfall back in December! (It hasn't snowed quite that much in awhile)

This was a dress made out of wire in an art gallery on Greene Avenue!

et voilà...a little view of la belle ville. Hope you have a great week I promise to post regularly now!

                                                                           À plus!

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